Monday, 10 January 2011

In Hello Kitties.

So I'm in Transit in Malaysia Land...its not a sunny tropical morning....the duty free is inflating my shopping ego and I've not seen one Cheesy Hello Kitty. I have seen stuffed Harrods meows and some ginger fluff stuffed object at the M&M shop...but nothing bright...cheery or embracing my inner need for a visual kitteh pick me up....
Bite me Virgin Active!
Rightio. Here's my view at the moment.....

Thursday, 6 January 2011

I know they are not in the locality, but I might make a concession!

The entire reason I started this just the other day, was because for almost a year I have been obsessing about the local felines. Alas, since I lack the photographic proof of their existance, I will add random images of cats that make me go "ooooooh". This way, I get my fix and out there people can view a dedicated blog to the "ooooh" meow feeling.

I suppose for the last year, my obsession with cats has increased ten fold - that is not 8 new cats (I WISH) but I notice them more than ever.... from webistes, to youtube - to the felines of friends... I am 100% committed to being a Crazy Cat lady, sans wee.

Cats Make Me Weird

I spend half my nights sleep being pawed...Not by anything exotic..but a long haired feline who has mother issues!

Monday, 3 January 2011

This isn't "smogpuss"!

So, I have decided to document all the lovely felines in my area of North London. It's not like I don't have anything better to do, because I do.... It's just that they are such a lovely bunch of fluffy sacks that I thought they needed to be thrown onto the world wide web!

Today's puss isn't really a pussycat in my neighbourhood. But I was unable to find original pictures of smog puss because.... my iphone died and along it pictures of said "smogpuss".
He is called "smogpuss" because he is incredibly fluffy and white, with smudges on his fur. Said puss is outstandingly proud in appearance and I totally dig is nonchalant ways.

There are several cats about and they are hard to I might actually just draw the little bastards!