Tuesday, 8 February 2011

She just gets cuter.....

But shame this beast likes at 5:30am start every morning except weekends....

Some people have sun wake up lamps...others wake up to hiddeous iphone vibrations....goodness, I'm sure there is the stock standard casio watch...but we....we wake to Bettie most mornings....chirping, purring....grunting....pawing...yeap...she's a genuine feline alarm...

Don't get me wrong...The cuddles are unbelievable...so sweet and needy. Alas when I get out bed the little blight jumps straight into my spot...nestling, chirping....purring.

I am beginning to think is an evil ploy....hmmmmm?

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Boom Boom Likes to Paw

After walking past AWD Puss this morning, I felt bad that I just had no time to mooch hello - gladly, he gave me a token eye and turned into a drive... I am alright this this - I knew I had a hectic day ahead...
So the day past and I only mentioned once I had cats. Which is getting better.

But yes, I came home to my delightful meows and our Boom Boom is utterly gorgeous....Her paws are clipped now thankfully... she hurts. Ask the lizard.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Missed train but meet "AWD Puss"

I missed my train this morning that I had specially planned to make...even accounted for a visit to Sainsburys for my over priced salad and runner beans....
It went something like this....I was speedily walking to walk, giving an approving eye to the man who was using a bag to collect his dog fowl and just as I passed him there it was....
A vision in absolute ginger.
"awwww hello puss puss" as he ran out....instantly noticing he didn't have a collar I always think the worst, but this pussycat was indeed thick and well feed....

My romp with the meow completely side tracked my journey...it ess now all about snapping him and embracing him lavish pats and coos.

As you can see, out of 10 pics only 2 could be posted..our little man was all about affection. It struck me as needy, but as we are all aware cats like it whenever THEY want it and it was AWD Puss's time.

AWD Puss?

Which was evident as I needed to race off and he began to follow me in ernest...
"no puss....you can't come to work and there are just no cuddles left"

I must have looked insane to lady walking towards the corner....but at least she intrigued AWD Puss and he left me to pursue any possible affection from another.....

It might be worth adding I gave AWD Puss a male sex....this is because he reminds me of Brucie....king of the indoor gingered... It could well have been a girly girl....

I smell curry....now I wasn't expecting that....hmmmmm hungry.