Thursday, 20 September 2012

Kate Moss has nothing on Minka

It's not a given that people love cats, it should be. I often have the debate as to why they have just as much merit as obedient dogs, slippery salamanders and bitching budgies. They can look straight into your soul and rip apart anything that may be lurking.... like Perez Hilton, but without the commercialised blogsite! 

Most cats I have come into contact with of late are svelte, (even under fluff), deliciously curious.... whilst also staying aloof... (except a ginger cat who will remain nameless, who I adore beyond meows, he is a huggy ball of  "awwwwwww cuddles chunky puss") - I believe, these cats would all make wonderful clothes horses in the human world.... especially Minka, who I introduce now.  

Minka, a striking Russian Blue has all the formidable characteristics of a supermodel puss. Great bone structure... dense coat (her own, take that Naomi Campbell) and intensely driving eyes... she is infact, the Kate Moss of the cat world... alas, I think Minka has yet to develop a taste for scruffy and unwashed tomcats that flutter and prowl around Islington. This cat of North London could easily make the cover of World Cats, or dare I even suggest, the packet of a Royal Canin mix? She is the Anna Karina of the cat world..!! Take that Kiera Knightly! 

There is one thing holding Minka back.. and if she did peruse seriously a career in cat modelling... she might have to get herself a catnip addiction or a quick trip to Eastern Europe..... I cannot divulge her hinderance.... but nothing some cat spanks couldn't fix for the interim! ;)

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Lip Smacker....'s warm in London tonight, it's nice to not shiver whilst fighting for duvet space with my two cats...what is somewhat akin to odd is Lua's lip smacking...he sounds like a 90year old man reading I type this he sits 7ft high on my wardrobe...

Perhaps his planning to let me sleep and then he'll endeavour to jump down on my stomach and start snacking on my face....

Tonight, I call you "The Drys" Puss. Not sure if this is colloquially Australian or not...but "the drys" are what we used to call at the age of 16 after a night out on the goon bags, has my cat been stealing swigs of Coolabah off me??

Naughty puss.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

...Swooning in Sleep

For the most of my working days I'm located outside of my the evenings I'm not staring into the empty glass of wine thinking "finished already" I'm working. And....though its unfortunate I do have this...he has a name...but in this instance...I call him "judgemental, cross eyed puss"...

JCEP didn't appreciate me not showing him attention.. His meow raspy and his clawing sharp and intentional... JCEP wanted outside time...& as I couldn't facilitate he launched onto the shelves and starred at me until....he feel asleep.

Heavy breathing...twitches...JCEP was perhaps planning the best way to avenge my distant behaviour..which he taking up most of my leg space in bed that night!!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Кошки Москве (Cats of Moscow)

As I type this, I am 4 hours by plane from home... 3 hours time difference I believe (it's hard to tell Vlad Putin won't let Russia do daylight savings etc and he isn't even the President!) and in a city of contrasting natures, sights and attitudes... I am in Russia, Moscow actually.

It's a wonderful city.... the ducks (many species) still paddle in the water though icy in part and the dogs, they are all look the same... homeless, fat and wolf like but still look like you could hug them silly... But the cats, oh! the cats are rare to see and for the most part a major part of Russian female life... I have heard about so many cats here and they are all sit snug at home in "Stalin Style" flats and mooch about high on vodka and Russian TV...It has been noted that as I sit here in my Russian office, I am not the only cat loving girl.. Introducing Olga and Natalia who swap cat pictures and even had there own (well Olga does...! Natalia had her dog before she passed) and indeed they are given names and treated with such "awwwwwwness" So I introduce to you too "dirty cat" and "she cat".. this is how it translates...  titles not by myself, but Natalia... Everyone who knows me knows I am a fan of "laser puss's".. so this works on many levels!! They Watch you Work.... 

Снова и из товарищей котенок, люби из России

puss puss..