Monday, 16 September 2013

Affectionate Much Puss? Clapham Carpark Puss

I have 2 cats of my own. Lua, the cross eyed Birman who secretly loves to smooch but won't admit it, and Bettie who is openly needy and displays her insecurities on a minute by minute basis. The way it's always worked is, the more to you show you want someone the more they'll run away..least in the case of my Bettie this isn't true.  Her yearning to be near me, on top of looking at her, her having my undivided attention is paramount to her daily activity... This usually starts at 4:30am. So when Iwoke up  somewhere that wasn't my own home I am usually rested....last night was particularly a heavy sleep that had me being chased into Fawkner Cemetery and cutting my hair short as not to be discovered by the South American hit man following me. That is really for another blog. 

Anyway....I had a CAT FREE sleep. I did however not have a cat free morning. Upon leaving the apartment this little kitty greeted me (after I crooned awwwww wellllooooo puddymeow).. 

She was needy. Strokes lead to desperate meows and a bums raised in the air... Twisting around my legs in Möbius strip fashion, that head butt that obviously cries for a was a more aggressive Bettie. 

It grew tiresome that this meow wouldn't keep still for a simple tickle, least Bettie looks like a deer in the headlights most of the time and manages to keep svelte like, with tender trodding never optional but a necessity. 

Congrats Clapham Capark Puss! You brought a little bit of my morning cat nightmares to South London! 

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Pâté Pusses

Having arrived in one the most beautiful places I have ever been to in my life, I was texted over lunch that "Rachelle, zere is wee kitties in zere gardourn for you to playz with, zere eh tweo and zere are very queete..."  So it didn't take long for me to finish my salad and rush to the villa that is currently home until Saturday. 

It was an absolute delight when "zere two chats" arrived, coaxed by pate and ham to come closer, I was in squeezable squeals of delight almost constantly...what was surprising was so was everyone else, clambering to feed the cats out pork pâté and anything else we could find on the table. I'm not to one to compete for attention or affection, but this time the inner challenge was on. Pâté Pusses needed to be mine. Alas, I was only able to get a shot of the svelte black pussy chat, the other - a motley tortoiseshell (a short haired "Bear") in very recluse...they do bound together up trees, play by the pool....stalk our pork but mostly just look soooooooo deliciously cute. I have check in luggage on my flight home, I wonder if I have to declare that I have brought back live stock from the continent?

I sincerely hope that the Pâté Pusses let me get to know them, else this blog update is as barren as the sand still in the crouch of my bikini bottoms!