Saturday, 11 April 2015

Perch'n Puss

It's a been an inexcusable time since I last uploaded a diddy on here. I could say that I've jet setting on the wings of birds of prey, or deep diving into oceans where sea turtles sing in chorus. This is not the case. It's been taken up with domestic duties, the day to day grind of being gainfully employed and wait for it! My own little angels of fluff.

Where I live (no longer North, but East) we have several felines in the neighbourhood. I have regular garden intruders with their wide eyed glare....admittedly they are more likely fearful than confrontational. We have a ginger cat, who I thought was homeless, alas just like "Affectionate Puss" has a home, is well feed but to lazy to go through his own cat flap.

There is a delicious black cat, he's not around much these days but as Spring approaches, I'm sure he'll raise his whiskers. Now, I've mentioned the above because these mogs are within 4 houses of my own. So when I ventured into the street perpendicular to my was a whole new community of paws and spiked ears. Staring at me as if to say "ehhhh and who are you"? Now, I'm obviously in the habit of taking pictures of cats....and giving a cheeky when I spied this dude, he was too good not to inspire an upload to this blog. 

Our meeting was short and sweet as I was off to meet my fellow cat mama (who'll we'll call "Sooks Ma"...) we had a chat, had a scratch and then I whipped out the iPhone. He didn't seem to perturbed and I snapped away until I realised it looked strange....I mean, this isn't Islington and well......our neighbours are all very security conscious. 

I am going to name him "Perch'n Puss" - there he was, just perched on the fence pedestal. It was a conflicting sight as he didn't seem traditionally regal, maybe all knowing....more likely indifference as he's spent his whole life being pattered and cooed upon.

There were so reciprocal head rubs, no purrs....just a slow blinking and what could be described as a "well go on then woman"!!

I am not sure who really benefits when I lunge for a cat, it's more than likely me.....but you all as avid and committed readers have a 3 minute escape into my cat loving world. 

Loving cats is easy.

There is no comparison to be made about whether I "like" cats more than dogs, it's a ridiculous discussion. What I can compare it to is daily interactions with people. Cats behave like people. You annoy them, leave them...adore them and they'll respond the same say a human will. The Egyptians worshipped cats, and it's because they are so more likely to cause plague, famine and would probably be riding with the four men of the apocalypse for all you Christians out there . 

The point I'm trying to make is, pat a cat in the kittens from your back day, cats will probably confess that they were "God" all along and it was an in joke that it spelt dog backwards..."gotta give Fido some hope ay"....