Sunday, 14 August 2011

On Scale, this is Boris

Have you ever seen something from afar and thought "DAM, that's big"... and then stood near it and felt somewhat ripped off at the scale it it. To elaborate I mean the size in actual reality  wasn't that big, just the distance and proportions were not correct.
Well, I have (no suprises) and in this instance it is Boris. I can't give Boris a name because obviously he has one. I know this because of CATBOOK. Yeap, when we moved into our flat we did a search of the local paws and Boris is a neighbour...He ruled the roost, until Lua turned up. Lua is twice his size and with his side kick Bettie, Boris just doesn't stand a chance.. even if Lua and Bettie are not allowed to stalk the fence on their own....
Sorry Boris, you are indeed a handsome puss but when it comes to being the manor's number one meow.. you lose out!! Don't fret, vocally you are the King and may I suggest if you want to taunt the former two sit on the back fence and yoddle your lungs..

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