Monday, 11 April 2011

On the Prowl Puss, epic success or failure?

As per my usual walk to work I keep a keen eye out for any felines that are around..I have been disappointed of late and I was beginning to think that winter had sucked them all into a vaccum of laying on the sofa and meowing for extra Dreamies whilst watching Kerry Katona... but no. Last week I saw this. I will call him "Prowl Puss".

Sky Rat was rambling across the road with not a care in the world...unsuspecting Sky Rat has no idea "Prowl Puss" was doing the head down, bum wiggle. I wanted to stay and see how it all ended.... But I pretty much figured that it was going to end in failure. Not suggesting the cat in question is a loser, but after spending all winter on the sofa watching television Prowl Puss is carrying a few extra grams of Dreamies... Plus, with Kerry Katona still running across his brain it was always going to end in an epic fail.

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