Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Pauly Brown Town.......

It is quite fitting that tonight I add what has to be the ultimate "you have to meet him to love him" cat as my boyfriend and I are departing for a US jaunt for 10 days...When travelling to America, you have to see it to love it. America is great, well... California is and so is New York....(Brooklyn, lets be clear on that and I hear some Southern States are pretty amazing too) and now I love both of those places because I have been there... just as I have "been there" (not in the biblical sense oooooh grose) with PBT.

This cat is breath taking... and he loves a good mooch. Never mind is gangling features or odd shaped face... and he was just a kitten when this was taken and I am sure thsi Havana Brown has grown into a sleeker proportioned puss. I just want to high five PBT and the author of the soon to be "Cats of Collingwood"....

Miss you Both!

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