Tuesday 29 May 2012

Lip Smacker....

....it's warm in London tonight, it's nice to not shiver whilst fighting for duvet space with my two cats...what is somewhat akin to odd is Lua's lip smacking...he sounds like a 90year old man reading Maxim...as I type this he sits 7ft high on my wardrobe...

Perhaps his planning to let me sleep and then he'll endeavour to jump down on my stomach and start snacking on my face....

Tonight, I call you "The Drys" Puss. Not sure if this is colloquially Australian or not...but "the drys" are what we used to call at the age of 16 after a night out on the goon bags, has my cat been stealing swigs of Coolabah off me??

Naughty puss.

Saturday 5 May 2012

...Swooning in Sleep

For the most of my working days I'm located outside of my flat..in the evenings I'm not staring into the empty glass of wine thinking "finished already" I'm working. And....though its unfortunate I do have this...he has a name...but in this instance...I call him "judgemental, cross eyed puss"...

JCEP didn't appreciate me not showing him attention.. His meow raspy and his clawing sharp and intentional... JCEP wanted outside time...& as I couldn't facilitate he launched onto the shelves and starred at me until....he feel asleep.

Heavy breathing...twitches...JCEP was perhaps planning the best way to avenge my distant behaviour..which he did...by taking up most of my leg space in bed that night!!